
Exam Stress

Buster Workshop

Maximum 100 Entries! Hurry Up! Register Soon!

Get away with Exam Stress by using 6 Secrets which we will share with you in this 1 Day workshop.

WOrkshop Details:

Venue- Zoom

Day- Tuesday

Timings 7.00 pm

2021 Annual Exam Guide for every student and parent who is felling stressed and under confident!

Normal Price Inr 1999/-

Register Today for FREE

What Students Say!

Join the 6 Steps System to Discover How to

  • Be Stress free to create a Healthy Mindset
  • Manage Expectations of family, Friends and Teachers- Destroying Anxiety
  • Create a step by step Guide to plan the academics for exam- Achieve Excellence
  • Manage & Create time- Reducing Distractions

Experience the Incredible Power with in you by Busting Stress of Exam!

Aishwarya and Ram

Self Esteem & Leadership Excellence Coach

Director, Little Hearts Group of Schools,Bhiwani

Happy Students after our Workshop

Dear Parents/Students

We know you are feeling pressurized and stressed at this point of time, because you want/ you want your child, to perform well in exams,

We also know, this Covid 19 situation has disrupted your study patterns and schedule,

And you are going to attempt offline exams and you have less time to prepare Mentally,now you are stressing out,

The good news is, we are here to take away your Stress & Anxiety so that you can guide your child (if you are a parent) and you can manage your stress and give your best in exams(if you are a student).

If you follow the steps given in workshop step by step and implements all the secrets which we will tell you in workshop, Your stress and anxiety will vanish and you will be super charged for your exams. And thats our Main Purpose of EXAM STRESS BUSTER WORKSHOP

But before we get into it, We want to talk about where we came from & what we have gone through, If these principles and secrets worked for us, they will work for you as well.

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Bhagwan bas iss baar pass karwadena! Pakka prashad Chadaunga!

How many of you Pray like this during your exams? Then exam over hote bhagwan ko hi bhool jaate ho.😁

I was same like you. When I(Aishwarya) was in 11th class, throughout the year I did not study at all. I was not going to tuitions and I was not focussing at home either. The difference between you and me here is, I was going to school that time in 2010, and you couldn't go due to Covid 19. I spent my whole year without studying and in the end my family gave me ultimatum, if I couldn't score 70% marks, I have to repeat 11th class from same school.

In my head, I knew I can't score 70%. I got stressed and rather than studying I wasted my whole time and end up studying nothing.

I was trying to meet the expectations which my family had from me, which created undue burden on me. I knew I was at fault, but still it created stress.

This stress has never left me alone, be it my college life, work life because no one has taught me how to manage stress. Everybody told me to work on time, study on time but what if someone has not done then what.....

Any Guesses, Who came to my rescue...

My Husband Ram, Yes he was always topper in his school, he knows how to maintain his calm during high pressure too, after marriage whenever I looked at his calmness, I was mesmerised, then he shared his principles and secrets with me. And I learnt them from him. These Principles and secrets worked like magic for me.

One of the greatest learnings of our life is that we are born to GIVE and each one of us has Gift to offer something to this world.

So,we would love to share same secrets with you,because we want you to Get Results,Be Stress free,Be Confident During your Exams time.

This Course is for you, especially if you are-

  • Continuously thinking about what could go wrong in Exams.
  • Thinking about What my teacher, parents and friends will think of me.
  • Feeling stuck in the current situation.

Here is What you will learn in this workshop

1. Secret 1

  • Awareness
  • Where you are and who you can be!

2. Secret 2

  • Coding
  • How to stop What is stopping you

3. Secret 3

  • Proclaim your victory!
  • How to set the stage for what you want to get

4. Secret 4

  • Goals to Outcomes
  • Create a plan for better performance

5. Secret 5

  • G.R.O.W.T.H
  • Create time

6. Secret 6

  • Own the Long term Change
  • Recognise the power within YOU

That's not it,

Register today to unlock free bonus worth Rs. 3995/-

Worth Rs. 999
Worth Rs. 999
Worth Rs. 999
Worth Rs. 999

Here is our mini training at 90% off.

So, if you make a decision right now, all you have to pay is Rs 199.

Hurry Up Guys! Maximum 100 Entries!

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